Saturday, June 17, 2023

What foods are good for weight loss?

What foods are good for weight loss?

Whether you want to lose belly fat or body fat overall, when it comes to making healthy and nutritious meals, knowledge really is power. 

Losing weight is not about eating less, it's about reassessing your diet to ensure you are eating from all the food groups and hitting the recommended daily intake of foods rich in protein and fiber. 

It may surprise you, but around 90% of us aren't eating the recommended daily fiber intake of 30g. The plant-based carbohydrate plays a hugely important role in promoting a healthy digestive system and helping you maintain a healthy weight. So, stock up on high-fiber foods including brown rice, wholewheat bread, and fruit and vegetables. 

In addition to our lack of fiber, many of us are also not eating enough protein—which is key to a successful weight-loss plan. The best sources of protein are meat, poultry, fish, dairy foods, eggs, and tofu.

"Protein takes longer to digest than carbs," explains Dr. Michael Mosley, creator of the Fast 800 lifestyle plan. "It also reduces levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin and boosts levels of Peptide YY (PYY), a protein that tells you when you are full." 

Beyond boosting your levels of protein and fiber, a balanced plate of food also includes healthy carbohydrates, fresh fruit and veg, and good fats.


Nuts are a great snack and just a handful a day is enough to deliver plenty of nutritional benefits.

“Eating nuts can help to control body weight as they boost satiety—that feeling of fullness after eating,” says dietitian Dr. Carrie Ruxton.  

But, what type is best? Chestnuts contain the lowest fat and calories, and almonds make a great healthy snack—one study found eating a handful of almonds daily, instead of a high-carbohydrate snack with equal calories, helped reduce belly fat, and significantly improved cholesterol levels. 

Chia, sunflower, and flax seeds can also be part of a healthy weight-loss plan. Also, look out for pumpkin seeds; they are packed with zinc, which is important for helping the body burn fat.


From blueberries and strawberries to blackberries, cranberries, and raspberries, these are nature’s superfoods—and they're also excellent foods for weight loss. 

"Fresh or frozen, they're low in calories and high in fiber, and they won't make your blood sugar soar," says Dr. Joan Borysenko, cell biologist and author of The PlantPlus Diet Solution. "They're also rich in antioxidant flavonoids [which have anti-inflammatory effects]." 

Mix them with your morning oats or use a blender to make a delicious and nutritious smoothie.


If you want to fill up on more protein foods to aid weight loss, consider adding this simple, lean fish to your shopping list and serving it with steamed vegetables. 

A cod fillet is a good source of high-quality protein, yet is light enough to enjoy for lunch. In fact, research revealed that people who ate this fish for lunch consumed 11% less food at dinner, compared to those who ate beef for their midday meal.


Chocolate lovers, the good news is that a nibble of chocolate won’t derail your diet. But, you should stick to dark chocolate with a high cacao content, rather than milk chocolate. This is because cacao is nutrient-dense and packed with antioxidants. "It can help lower blood pressure, combat clogged arteries, and reduce the risk of stroke," says Dr. Borysenko. 

In fact, surprisingly, it could help with workout motivation. Research by the University of Kingston found that eating 40g of chocolate for two weeks boosted performance during short bursts of moderate-intensity exercise! 


Fermented foods are those that have gone through a natural preservation process to promote the growth of good bacteria. Foods in this group include sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, miso kefir, and yogurt with live cultures.

“When these foods are eaten, the good bacteria act as a probiotic and help to naturally support our gut microbiome,” explains nutritionist Nicola Shubrook of Urban Wellness. This, in turn, can improve digestion and help ease bloating, excessive gas, and abnormal bowel movements.

When shopping for fermented foods, you'll find the best ones in the refrigerated section—pasteurization or canning of these foods can kill the probiotics. 


Not all fat is bad. Avocados are a great source of “good fat”, so are very much on the menu for those trying to lose weight. 

Avocados also contain both soluble and insoluble fiber that feeds gut microbes, and helps to move food through the digestive system, says Dr. Borysenko.

Top your morning toast with avo or mix up a lunchtime salad with 146g of this superfood containing around 10g fiber and you'll already be on your way to hitting your 30g target.


There’s no need to ditch your morning brew just yet. Research by King’s College London found that caffeine can help speed up your metabolism, increasing the rate at which your body burns fat. Another study found that both black and green tea could help combat obesity. 

If caffeine isn't a friend of yours, Dr. Borysenko suggests trying a water-processed decaf. She also notes that "while tea and coffee are non-calorific, adding lots of milk, sugar, artificial flavoring, and syrups can turn these drinks into chemical concoctions and caloric disasters." Go easy on the sugary lattes and stick to black coffee or add a dash of a plant-based milk alternative. 


Each green vegetable has its own benefits, but kale is known as the “queen of greens”; perhaps because it really is rich in nutrients. Vitamin C and E, vitamin K, and minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium are just some of the leafy green's inherent health-boosting properties. 

“Kale also provides some fiber towards our recommended daily intake of 30g—leafy greens in general offer around 2-4g of fiber per 100g," says nutritionist Jenna Hope.

Add kale to a side salad at dinnertime, or pop it in a smoothie with fruit if you prefer a sweeter taste but still want to reap all the health benefits. 


"After years of us being told not to eat eggs because of their high cholesterol content, the tide has finally turned," says Dr. Borysenko.  

Eggs are high in protein, low in calories, and have been shown to help boost metabolism—making them a great food for weight loss. 

Start the day by having one for breakfast, but try to buy free-range if possible. "Yes, they're more expensive than the factory-farmed kind, but overall they're still a very economical source of protein and micronutrients," says Dr. Borysenko.


"Ginger is delicious in sauces, marinades, teas, and smoothies," says Dr. Borysenko. It's also good food for weight loss because it contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties that aid digestion and circulation. 

Several studies show that the compounds in this fiery root are linked to healthy weight management. Buy it fresh from the supermarket and grate it into recipes and smoothies or use it to make ginger tea. 


Also known as pulses, this food group is probably already sitting in your kitchen cabinets—hello lentils, kidney beans, and chickpeas.

"Legumes are a source of high-fiber carbohydrate and have a low GI (glycaemic index), which means they release their sugars more slowly so you feel fuller for longer," explains consultant dietician Sophie Medlin. Their fiber content also helps fill you up quickly and they are so easy to incorporate into your meals—think soups, curries, wraps and salads. 


"This root is a superfood that is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory—one that has been used medicinally for thousands of years," explains Dr. Borysenko. 

And the weight loss benefits? Turmeric contains polyphenol curcumin, which research shows is linked to weight loss. A study found that consuming curcumin led to a significant reduction in body mass index (BMI), weight, waist circumference, and leptin, which is a hormone that plays a role in obesity.

You can add turmeric to pretty much anything, whether that be tofu, eggs, rice or soup. And you can even add a dash to your morning smoothie. 


As well as being packed with protein and vital omega-3 fatty acids, sardines are good sources of Vitamin D and iron, which help reduce inflammation in the body—something that's important in the fight against weight gain and obesity.

"These little fish are also low on the food chain and, therefore, low in pollutants such as mercury that accumulate in larger fish," says Dr. Borysenko.

Use your sardines to make a fish pie or whip up a Mediterranean-style salad with leafy greens, tomatoes, aubergines and courgettes.


Taking care of your tummy is important when trying to lose weight, so pick foods that promote good gastro health and prevent bloating.

"Another plant in the ginger family, cardamom has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and a long history of medicinal use for gastrointestinal problems," says Dr. Borysenko.  

You can toast cardamom seeds and add them to salads or curries, or ground them up and add a little to sauces or tea. 


Chicken broth is a food that's been used as a folk medicine for years, with good reason. When you make a chicken or turkey soup from scratch, boiling the bones up to make a stock, the resulting broth is full of goodness, says Dr. Borysenko. 

A bowl of it may also help you to lose weight. Research revealed that a cup of chicken-bone broth contains more protein than regular chicken soup, so it will fill you up for longer and support a calorie-controlled diet, too.


This crunchy fruit is a great source of fiber, and also includes pectin, which can make you feel full for longer, says dietitian Sian Porter. Plus, the average apple contains just 77 kcal, making it a great replacement for high-calorie snacks to help with weight management.

"The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) checked the antioxidant levels in more than 100 antioxidant-rich foods, and Granny Smith apples ranked 13th," adds Dr. Borysenko. Impressive! 


Sprinkle this delicious-smelling spice over your cereal and porridge, or add to hot drinks and smoothies, and repeat the health benefits. 

“Not only does cinnamon help prevent an increased storage of fat, but it’s also believed to help the speed of your metabolism while lowering your blood sugar levels, which are closely linked to weight gain and obesity,” says Frida Harju-Westman, a nutritionist for Lifesum app. 


Nutritionists often recommend extra-virgin olive oil as part of a Mediterranean-style diet of healthy foods for weight loss. This is because cooking or drizzling your foods with this is much better for you than using saturated fats or high-calorie dressings.

“People who consume olive oil as a regular part of their diet are less likely to develop cardiovascular disease, including stroke, high blood pressure. and high cholesterol levels," says Dr. Borysenko. "It can also help regularize carbohydrate metabolism and dampen down spikes in blood sugar."


It’s time to turn up the heat. Capsaicin is a compound found in chili peppers—the thing that gives jalapeƱos, habaneros, chipotles, and cayenne their fiery kick.

"Consuming capsaicin increases body temperature, which increases metabolism. Your body has to work harder to maintain its normal temperature and therefore burns more calories to do this," explains nutritionist Stephanie Masterman.

Of course, if you don't like hot food or chili steer clear of this one. But, if you do, you can use chili peppers to create a whole range of dishes and even add it to sauces for an extra kick. 

20. OATS

They might be simple, but oats are oh-so-delicious and one of the best fiber-based foods for weight loss. Have them for breakfast and hit your fiber targets early. You can also mix them with your berries, cinnamon or chocolate. 

"By eating porridge made from rolled oats, or a muesli mix, topped with 1tbsp of flaxseeds and a piece of fruit, you can easily consume 15g of dietary fiber first thing," says nutritional therapist Natalie Lamb. 


When it comes to protein foods for weight loss, this tasty fish always come to mind. 

"Salmon is notable for its exceptionally high level of omega-3 fatty acids," says Dr. Borysenko. This translates into less inflammation, increased cardiovascular health, and improved metabolic age, which all help with weight loss.

There are so many ways to cook salmon, whether you bake, fry or grill it, and you can serve it with anything from rice or noodles to green beans or Brussels sprouts. 

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What foods are good for weight loss?

What foods are good for weight loss? Whether you want to lose belly fat or body fat overall, when it comes to making healthy and nutritious ...